Interactive Computer Graphics Applied to Continuous Systems Simulation

Interactive computer graphics is begin­ ning to achieve wide acceptance as a valuable tool in assisting the everyday engineer in his engineering activities. This paper describes one of the uses of interactive computer graphics in assist­ ing the engineer the modeling of contin­ uous systems using CSMP. Continuous sys­ tems modeling using interactive computer graphics is being used extensively at The Boeing Company, Huntsville, Alabama. As a result of this utilization many addition­ al requirements have been placed on CSMP. These requirements will be presented in this paper. Program (CSMP) on the IBM 1130 digital computer (References 1 and 2). Since the introduction of 1130 CSMP/ Graphics at The Boeing Company in Huntsville in March, 1969 the utilization of CSMP has increased to 100 hours per month. As a result of this use by various engineering organizations many new require­ ments have been placed on CSMP. This paper will discuss the more significant expan­ sions of CSMP, a description of CSMP and the procedures which have been established for using CSMP are presented. A sample problem utilizing CSMP is also presented.