Factors Influencing Adoption of Postharvest Practices in Vegetables

The vegetable sector plays a vital role in farm income enhancement and alleviation of poverty in many developing countries. However, this sector suffers greatly from the problem of high postharvest losses, resulting in significant declines in food quality and safety, competitiveness in the market, and profits earned by producers. This study analyzed the adoption behavior of vegetable growers for postharvest practices of washing, sorting and grading, preserving and cooling, dehydrating/drying, packaging, and labeling and storage for value addition based on a survey of 556 vegetable growers in eight districts of Uttar Pradesh. The Poisson count regression model was used to identify the most likely factors affecting adoption of postharvest practices in the vegetable value chain. It was determined that diversified vegetable farmers, inclined to introduce new crops, use credit, have higher income, employ better irrigation facilities, adopt integrated pest management techniques, and sell produce in organized markets, are more likely to adopt postharvest techniques. The results have implications for stakeholders involved in the vegetable value chain to improve the quantity and quality of produce delivered to consumers.

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