Suckling behavior in range beef calves.

The number and duration of suckling incidences were recorded during eight 24-h observation periods in a herd of spring-calving Polled Hereford and percentage Simmental cows in 1980 and 1981. The average number of suckling events per calf in 24 h was 5.0 +/- .1 and the average time spent suckling in 24 h was 46 +/- 1 min. Peaks in suckling activity occurred from 0500 to 0700, 1000 to 1300 and 1700 to 2100 h. The most suckling events in a single hour occurred between 0500 and 0600 h and the least between 2200 and 2300 h. Day of the estrous cycle did not influence the number or duration of suckling events. Cows that gave more milk nursed less frequently and heavier calves suckled less frequently (P less than .01). Age, breed and sex of the calf did not influence (P greater than .1) suckling frequency or duration.