Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (M Ng PhD, T Fleming BS, M Robinson BA, B Thomson BA, N Graetz BS, C Margono BS, E C Mullany BA, S Biryukov BS, T Achoki PhD, Prof L Dandona MD, A Flaxman PhD, M H Forouzanfar PhD, A H Mokdad PhD, M Naghavi PhD, E L Nelson MLIS, M Tobias PhD, T Vos PhD, Prof C J L Murray PhD, Prof E Gakidou PhD), School of Medicine (J L Wright MD), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA (R Alfonso MD); “La Sapienza” University of Marie Ng, Tom Fleming, Margaret Robinson, Blake Thomson, Nicholas Graetz, Christopher Margono, Erin C Mullany, Stan Biryukov, Cristiana Abbafati*, Semaw Ferede Abera*, Jerry P Abraham*, Niveen M E Abu-Rmeileh*, Tom Achoki*, Fadia S AlBuhairan*, Zewdie A Alemu*, Rafael Alfonso*, Mohammed K Ali*, Raghib Ali*, Nelson Alvis Guzman*, Walid Ammar*, Palwasha Anwari*, Amitava Banerjee*, Simon Barquera*, Sanjay Basu*, Derrick A Bennett*, Zulfi qar Bhutta*, Jed Blore*, Norberto Cabral*, Ismael Campos Nonato*, Jung-Chen Chang*, Rajiv Chowdhury*, Karen J Courville*, Michael H Criqui*, David K Cundiff *, Kaustubh C Dabhadkar*, Lalit Dandona*, Adrian Davis*, Anand Dayama*, Samath D Dharmaratne*, Eric L Ding*, Adnan M Durrani*, Alireza Esteghamati*, Farshad Farzadfar*, Derek F J Fay*, Valery L Feigin*, Abraham Flaxman*, Mohammad H Forouzanfar*, Atsushi Goto*, Mark A Green*, Rajeev Gupta*, Nima Hafezi-Nejad*, Graeme J Hankey*, Heather C Harewood*, Rasmus Havmoeller*, Simon Hay*, Lucia Hernandez*, Abdullatif Husseini*, Bulat T Idrisov*, Nayu Ikeda*, Farhad Islami*, Eiman Jahangir*, Simerjot K Jassal*, Sun Ha Jee*, Mona Jeff reys*, Jost B Jonas*, Edmond K Kabagambe*, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan Khalifa*, Andre Pascal Kengne*, Yousef Saleh Khader*, Young-Ho Khang*, Daniel Kim*, Ruth W Kimokoti*, Jonas M Kinge*, Yoshihiro Kokubo*, Soewarta Kosen*, Gene Kwan*, Taavi Lai*, Mall Leinsalu*, Yichong Li*, Xiaofeng Liang*, Shiwei Liu*, Giancarlo Logroscino*, Paulo A Lotufo*, Yuan Lu*, Jixiang Ma*, Nana Kwaku Mainoo*, George A Mensah*, Tony R Merriman*, Ali H Mokdad*, Joanna Moschandreas*, Mohsen Naghavi*, Aliya Naheed*, Devina Nand*, K M Venkat Narayan*, Erica Leigh Nelson*, Marian L Neuhouser*, Muhammad Imran Nisar*, Takayoshi Ohkubo*, Samuel O Oti*, Andrea Pedroza*, Dorairaj Prabhakaran*, Nobhojit Roy*, Uchechukwu Sampson*, Hyeyoung Seo*, Sadaf G Sepanlou*, Kenji Shibuya*, Rahman Shiri*, Ivy Shiue*, Gitanjali M Singh*, Jasvinder A Singh*, Vegard Skirbekk*, Nicolas J C Stapelberg*, Lela Sturua*, Bryan L Sykes*, Martin Tobias*, Bach X Tran*, Leonardo Trasande*, Hideaki Toyoshima*, Steven van de Vijver*, Tommi J Vasankari*, J Lennert Veerman*, Gustavo Velasquez-Melendez*, Vasiliy Victorovich Vlassov*, Stein Emil Vollset*, Theo Vos*, Claire Wang*, XiaoRong Wang*, Elisabete Weiderpass*, Andrea Werdecker*, Jonathan L Wright*, Y Claire Yang*, Hiroshi Yatsuya*, Jihyun Yoon*, Seok-Jun Yoon*, Yong Zhao*, Maigeng Zhou*, Shankuan Zhu*, Alan D Lopez†, Christopher J L Murray†, Emmanuela Gakidou†‡

Alan D. Lopez | L. Dandona | V. Feigin | T. Vos | M. Forouzanfar | M. Naghavi | A. Flaxman | S. Hay | G. Hankey | Y. Khang | T. Merriman | T. Ohkubo | C. Abbafati | S. Abera | R. Ali | E. Weiderpass | W. Ammar | P. Anwari | S. Barquera | D. Bennett | Jung-Chen Chang | M. Criqui | S. Dharmaratne | A. Esteghamati | F. Farzadfar | E. Gakidou | N. Hafezi-Nejad | Rasmus J Havmoeller | J. Jonas | R. Kimokoti | Y. Kokubo | S. Kosen | Yichong Li | Xiaofeng Liang | Shiwei Liu | P. Lotufo | G. Mensah | A. Naheed | S. Sepanlou | R. Shiri | I. Shiue | V. Skirbekk | Bryan L. Sykes | T. Vasankari | S. Vollset | A. Werdecker | Seok-Jun Yoon | A. Davis | E. Ding | A. Goto | A. Husseini | B. Idrisov | S. Jassal | G. Logroscino | V. Vlassov | H. Yatsuya | L. Trasande | M. Neuhouser | S. Jee | D. Nand | U. Sampson | Gitanjali M Singh | K. Dabhadkar | J. Blore | N. Stapelberg | J. Veerman | M. Tobias | Nayu Ikeda | G. Velásquez-Melendez | T. Achoki | Z. A. Alemu | K. Courville | A. Dayama | Adnan M. Durrani | Derek F J Fay | Lucía Hernández | S. Khalifa | J. Kinge | T. Lai | J. Moschandreas | M. I. Nisar | A. Pedroza | L. Sturua | H. Toyoshima | S. V. D. Vijver | J. Wright | Yong Zhao | H. Harewood | E. Kabagambe | M. Leinsalu | Xiaorong Wang | F. Albuhairan | R. Alfonso | N. A. Guzmán | N. Cabral | D. Cundiff | Nana Kwaku Mainoo | S. Oti | Hyeyoung Seo | Simerjot K Jassal | Yong Zhao | Nicolas J. C. Stapelberg | K. Narayan | D. Prabhakaran | M. A. Green | Seok-Jun Yoon | Sanjay Basu | C. Murray | R. Gupta | Kenjiro Shibuya | A. Banerjee | Yousef S. Khader | Shiwei Liu | Zulfikar Bhutta | Claire Wang | Jasvinder A. Singh | Shankuan Zhu | Nobhojit Roy | Rajeev Gupta | Daniel Kim | A. Kengne | Maigeng Zhou | Rajiv Chowdhury | Eiman Jahangir | Ismael Campos Nonato | E. L. Nelson | Jung-Chen Chang | Lucia Hernandez | Mona Jeff reys | Xiaofeng Liang | Ali H. Mokdad | Gitanjali M Singh | Jasvinder A Singh | XiaoRong Wang | Claire Yang | Jihyun Yoon | Maigeng Zhou | Shankuan Zhu | Alan D Lopez | Daniel H. Kim | Claire Yang | Jihyun Yoon | A. Mokdad | N. J. Stapelberg | Kaustubh C Dabhadkar | Uchechukwu Sampson | Heather C Harewood

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