T HE interest in electrically-driven propeller airplanes has been steadily increasing over the last 15 years with applications ranging from small electric remotely piloted vehicles [1] up to large high-altitude/long-endurance aircraft [2], passing through general aviation size airplanes powered by means of hydrogen fuel cells [3]. The art and science of preliminary sizing of conventional aircraft has been the subject of many textbooks over the years [4,5] and, in this framework, reasonably accurate range and endurance prediction against design performance requirements plays quite obviously a crucial role. Unfortunately, the extension of the results valid for conventional configurations to electrically powered aircraft is not always straightforward. In a recent paper, [6] the equations for the evaluation of range and endurance of battery operated electrical aircraft are derived, keeping into account the effects of Peukert’s law on the battery discharge process [7]. Wilhelm Peukert performed tests on lead–acid batteries and discharging them with a constant current. His analysis proved that the discharge time Δt and the discharge current i satisfy the law [7]
Jan Roskam.
Determination of stability, control and performance characteristics : far and military requirements
Lance W. Traub,et al.
Range and Endurance Estimates for Battery-Powered Aircraft
Jon N. Ostler,et al.
Flight Testing Small, Electric Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
C. M. Shepherd.
Design of Primary and Secondary Cells II . An Equation Describing Battery Discharge
Daniel P. Raymer,et al.
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach
G. Griva,et al.
A direct-drive solution for Hydrogen supplied all-electric airplane
2009 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics.
D. Doerffel,et al.
A critical review of using the peukert equation for determining the remaining capacity of lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries