BSC, AHP를 활용한 국내 해양관광 스킨스쿠버다이빙사업의 KPI 우선순위 개발
The purpose of this research is to provide practical implications for the management of skin-scuba diving business by developing Key Performance Indicator (refered to herein as a KP.I.) and significancy and priority of KPI which is to measure the performance of management of skin-scuba diving business in Korea. KP.I that was developed as a result of this research will be able to help skin-scuba diving business to set a concrete direction to focus on in preparing for the future economic environment, and to utilize the KP.I in indicating area into where they must concentrate their capital. In addition, the KP.I will help skin-scuba diving business executives to clearly evaluate current and future value of existing skin-scuba diving business, thus providing accurate standard in M&A. However, this research has a limitation in proving directions of KP.I. despite the it"s own meaning because there was no actual proof of relationship between skin-scuba diving business in Korea and interrelation among perspectives of B.S.C.