Tests for Specification Errors in Classical Linear Least‐Squares Regression Analysis

SUMMARY The effects on the distribution of least-squares residuals of a series of model mis-specifications are considered. It is shown that for a variety of specification errors the distributions of the least-squares residuals are normal, but with non-zero means. An alternative predictor of the disturbance vector is used in developing four procedures for testing for the presence of specification error. The specification errors considered are omitted variables, incorrect functional form, simultaneous equation problems and heteroskedasticity. THE objectives of this paper are two. The first is to derive the distributions of the classical linear least-squares residuals under a variety of specification errors. The errors considered are omitted variables, incorrect functional form, simultaneous equation problems and heteroskedasticity. It is assumed that the disturbance terms are independently and normally distributed. It will be shown that the effect of the specification errors considered above is, with the exception of the error of heteroskedasticity, to yield residuals which though normally distributed do not have zero means, so that the distribution of the squared residuals is non-central x2. The second objective is to derive procedures to test for the presence of the specification errors considered in the first part of the paper. The tests are developed by comparing the distribution of residuals under the hypothesis that the specification of the model is correct to the distribution of the residuals yielded under the alternative hypothesis that there is a specification error of one of the types considered in the first part of the paper. As a preliminary step to deriving the test procedures the classical least-squares residual vector is transformed to a sub-vector which has more desirable properties for testing the null hypothesis that the specification of the model is correct. Also, under certain assumptions, with respect to the alternative hypothesis, it is shown that the mean vector of the residuals can be approximated by a linear sum of vectors qj,

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