AL/DTA has been selected by EADS in February 2002 for the delivery of the vial freezer for the ESA / CRYOSYSTEM project. CRYOSYSTEM is a set of facilities for ultra‐rapid cooling, preservation and storage of biological samples and protein crystals at −180°C on‐board the ISS. Flexure bearing Stirling cryocoolers from THALES are used to cool down the dewar storage magazine of the vial freezers.We present here some elements of the trade‐offs performed between two potential solutions for the thermal link between the Stirling cold finger and the dewar magazine. The two solutions envisaged were a conventional Braids Thermal Link Assembly (BTLA) and an original Liquid Thermal Link Assembly (LTLA). The BTLA makes use of flexible copper braids, while the LTLA is based on an evaporation/condensation process of an appropriate fluid between the cold finger and the cold magazine.The trade‐off is based on thermal and mechanical tests results performed on both links, combined with system impact analysis such as implemen...