Transformation Matrices in Input—Output Compilation
Within the framework of the United Nations’ “System of National Accounts” (SNA)1 proposals are made for integrating input-output tables in national accounting. According to the SNA, input-output tables with uniform column and row classifications should not be calculated directly, but input-output compilation should start with computing two basic table swith different column and row classifications. One of these tables, the output table, shows the output in a breakdown by industry (producers) and commodity group. The output table is also called the make matrix. The other table, the input table, shows the intermediate use of the commodities by industry (users) and commodity group (use matrix), the final uses by commodity group and the gross value added by industry. Under the aspect of data availability, these tables are the best presentation scheme for input-output figures. In a second step, the basic tables are transformed to input-output tables with uniform row and column classifications (commodity x commodity or industry x industry tables). These tables are used for input-output analysis.