Improving PDP picture quality by means of a motion-dependent equalizing-pulse technique
— When moving images are displayed on color plasma displays, motional artifacts such as dynamic false contours with disturbances of gray scales and colors are often observed. Reduction of the disturbances is essential to achieve PDPs with acceptable picture quality for TV use. The moving-picture quality can be improved to some extent by using an equalizing-pulse technique which augments or suppresses light-emission to compensate for the lack or surplus from the original signal. The disturbances, however, become significant as the speed of motion increases. In order to reduce the disturbances, the equalizing pulses are weighted according to the speed and direction of motion. The improvement can be enhanced further by combining the technique with a modified-binary-coded light-emission-period scheme. Disturbance is thus reduced by 82 dB. The technique is applicable to images moving at any speed in any direction. It can also be used for any pixel arrangement and any light-emission scheme.