Modelling of a Multi-Queue Polling System with Arbitrary Server Interrupts for the Idle-Slot-Concatenation Packet Switching Principle in a Hybrid CS/PS Node
For future communication requirement$ in the inhou$e area, a new $Y$tem integrating circuit $witching (CS) and packet $witching (PS) i$ $ugge$ted. A $ub$tantial part of thi$ $Y$tem i$ a hybrid $witching node, which i$ realized a$ a bU$ $Y$tem u$ing the Idle Slot Concate nation Principle for the integration of CS- and PS-traffic. The $ub ject of thi$ paper i$ the performance modelling and anaIY$i$ of thi$ $witching node. Due to the packet acce$$ protocol, thi$ $Y$tem ha$ been modelled a$ a polling $Y$tem with arbitrary $erver interrupt$ and without any ,witching overhead. For $ome regular CS-time-$lot di$tribution$ the mean waiting time of packet, ha$ been e$timated by an inflated $ervice time approzimation, wherea$ for the arbitrary CS-time-$lot di$tribution a new random $ervice interrupt anaIY$i$, ba$ed on a Markov chain ha$ been developed. The obtained re$ult$ are validated by mean$ of $imulation$.
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