Steps towards an integrated data analysis: Basic concepts and Bayesian analysis of Thomson scattering data

Aspects of the integration of different data sources are discussed with respect to improvement of reliability and significance of experimental results. Thomson scattering data have been analysed by means of Bayesian probability theory. This much improved statistical model for the evaluation of the data can be used for assessment and improvement of the diagnostics. A Bayesian graphical model has been developed for the linkage of different diagnostics, with the goal of arriving at a fully integrated data analysis. Background Consistency checks and validation of experimental data from different diagnostic sources is a persistent problem in magnetically confined plasma research. If compared to efforts in diagnostic hardware development, data analysis turns out to be frequently a sideline activity, in particular if the analysis has to combine information from different sources. Therefore, the goal of our investigation is to explore possibilities for integration of available physics information in order to enhance the significance and the reliability of experimental data from fusion devices. The notion of integrated data analysis has to be understood not only as a sophisticated combination of available data by statistical means, but also as the usage of expert knowledge of all parties involved in the data validation process and to integrate theoretical considerations and modelling. In order to provide platforms for communication and to minimize efforts in data administration, computer science becomes an essential part of the integration concept. Many of the positive aspects emerging from a well organized data management have been proven on large scale devices like JET [1]. A great problem for integration of the analysis of fusion data comes from the extreme heterogeneity of the information sources. E.g., one has to deal with many different diagnostics on different spatial and time scales as wells as theoretical considerations, like equilibrium calculations or transport modelling. Our investigations start with a rigorous error analysis of data (here Thomson scattering (TS) data for the electron density ne and the electron temperature Te), which will later be combined with other measurements (e.g. spatial profiles of ne and Te on flux coordinates from TS, ECE and lithium beam

[1]  L. M. M.-T. Theory of Probability , 1929, Nature.