Comparison of Performance Characteristic of Squirrel Cage Induction Motor by Three Phase Sinusoidal and PWM Inverter Supply Using MATLAB Digital Simulation

Induction motors are the most widely used electric motors in industry. They offer reasonable performance, a manageable torque-speed curve, stable operation under load and satisfactory efficiency. The aim of the paper is to investigate the performance characteristic of available squirrel cage induction motor. Simulation and experimental results are presented and compared to validate the mathematical model of motor. The purpose of this study has been to devise a mathematical model, which can reliably predict the steady state performance of PWM inverter fed cage induction motor drive. The model has been developed on coupled circuit approach of the motor and in terms of measurable parameters of the system. The mathematical model developed is in form of differential equation and is used for implementation. The operating frequency has been selected as 50Hz. The steady state performance is computed under full load. The sources considered are sine wave supply and PWM supply. The characteristics of the motor under sinusoidal supply operation are obtained. For sinusoidal PWM inverter the steady state performance is checked. Performance of motor has been presented into a set of output graphs. The output graphs permit analysis of various motor parameters. MATLAB has been chosen for this paper because it is flexible and has various built in tools designed test, measurement and control.