Large Margin Component Analysis

Metric learning has been shown to significantly improve the accuracy of k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classification. In problems involving thousands of features, distance learning algorithms cannot be used due to overfitting and high computational complexity. In such cases, previous work has relied on a two-step solution: first apply dimensionality reduction methods to the data, and then learn a metric in the resulting low-dimensional subspace. In this paper we show that better classification performance can be achieved by unifying the objectives of dimensionality reduction and metric learning. We propose a method that solves for the low-dimensional projection of the inputs, which minimizes a metric objective aimed at separating points in different classes by a large margin. This projection is defined by a significantly smaller number of parameters than metrics learned in input space, and thus our optimization reduces the risks of overfitting. Theory and results are presented for both a linear as well as a kernelized version of the algorithm. Overall, we achieve classification rates similar, and in several cases superior, to those of support vector machines.