A study investigated the use of drama activities in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction in Malaysia. Instruction occurred over an extended period of time and involved over 300 teachers, with a wide range of training and experience, in secondary and higher education institutions. Students were low-level, intermediate, or advanced learners in rural, urban, or tertiary schools. Class size ranged from 10 to 51 students. Types of drama activities used were language games (including improvisation), pantomime, role playing, and simulations. They emphasized listening and speaking skills. In general, it was found that drama techniques worked for most teachers and that some techniques worked better in certain circumstances than in others. Activities that do not emphasize performance were found more universally applicable than those that do. Somc variability was found in the success of different activity types with different ability and school groups. It is concluded that drama activities are useful in motivating students, holding their attention, and stimulating their creativity. However, student proficiency, needs, attitudes, experience, abilities, age, and interests must be considered. Some teachers find integrating drama activities to be difficult; convincing and training teachers in their use is essential to success. (MSE) *******************************************. *********************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** lam USING DRAMA TECHNIQUES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING
M. Teitelbaum,et al.
A case in point.
Keith Johnson,et al.
Communication in the Classroom: Applications and Methods for a Communicative Approach.
S. Holden.
Drama in language teaching
神保 尚武.
言語運用能力(Communicative Competence)
T. Evans.
Drama in English teaching
Alan Maley,et al.
Drama techniques in language learning
Richard A. Via.
The theatre arts and the teaching of second languages
N. Dodd,et al.
Drama and Theatre in Education