Physiological-Morphologial Properties Of The Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus
The cochlear nucleus complex is the first relay station of the central auditory pathway. The neuronal architecture and physiological properties of cochlear nucleus neurons almost certainly play a key role in defining the functional organization of the ascending auditory system. The structural and physiological organization of the cochlear nucleus complex is complicated by the fact that it is not a single nucleus but a complex of distinct neuronal populations. The cochlear nucleus complex is divided into three divisions; anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN), posteroventral cochlear nucleus (PVCN) and dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) on the basis of differing cytoarchitectures. The AVCN contains two major types of neurons which are bush}' and stellate cells. Bushy cells have been implicated in the signaling of precise temporal information in order to compute the location of a sound source. The role of stellate cells in acoustic processing is not well understood, although their responses to pure tones are well documented.
Anteroventral Koklear Nukleusun Fizyolojik-Morfolojik Ozellikleri
Koklear nukleus kompleksi merkezi isitme yolunun ilk durak yeridir. Koklear nukleus noronlarinin noronal yapisi ve fizyolojik ozellikleri, cikici isitme sisteminin fonksiyonel or¬ganizasyonunun belirlenmesinde onemli bir anahtar role sahiptir. Koklear nukleus komp¬leksinin yapisal ve fizyolojik organizasyonu tek bir nukleusun degil ayni zamanda farkli noron populasyonlarinin bir karisimidir. Koklear nukleus kompleksi hucre yapisina gore uc gruba ayrilir; anteroventral koklear nukleus (AVCN), posteroventral koklear nukleus (PVCN) ve dorsal koklear nukleus (DCN). AVCN bushy ve stellate hucre adi verilen iki buyuk noron tipini ihtiva etmektedir. Bushy hucrelerinin bir ses kaynaginin yerini tesbit etmek icin tam bir temporal informasyon sinyali olusturdugu bildirilmistir. Pure ton ses¬lere karsi verdikleri cevaplar hakkinda cok sayida calisma olmasina ragmen akustik islemde stellate hucrelerin rolu cok iyi anlasilmamistir.