Factors that Influence the Perceived Advantages and Relevance of Facebook as a Learning Tool: An Extension of the UTAUT.

Social media technologies are becoming a fundamental component of education. This study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to identify factors that influence the perceived advantages and relevance of Facebook as a learning tool. The proposed model is based on previous models of UTAUT. Constructs from previous models were used such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habit. Additionally, two new perspectives were added: perceived advantages and perceived relevance of Facebook as a social media platform. It provides some insights into students' behavioural intentions, and such an understanding can help faculty to examine their assumptions about the role of social media technologies in the teaching and learning process. The study participants were students enrolled in a Spanish public university. Data from 956 usable questionnaires were tested against the research model. Our results provide support to the model and reveal a good model fit. In light of these findings, implications for theory and practice are discussed.

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