Sampling can be faster than optimization

Significance Modern large-scale data analysis and machine learning applications rely critically on computationally efficient algorithms. There are 2 main classes of algorithms used in this setting—those based on optimization and those based on Monte Carlo sampling. The folk wisdom is that sampling is necessarily slower than optimization and is only warranted in situations where estimates of uncertainty are needed. We show that this folk wisdom is not correct in general—there is a natural class of nonconvex problems for which the computational complexity of sampling algorithms scales linearly with the model dimension while that of optimization algorithms scales exponentially. Optimization algorithms and Monte Carlo sampling algorithms have provided the computational foundations for the rapid growth in applications of statistical machine learning in recent years. There is, however, limited theoretical understanding of the relationships between these 2 kinds of methodology, and limited understanding of relative strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, existing results have been obtained primarily in the setting of convex functions (for optimization) and log-concave functions (for sampling). In this setting, where local properties determine global properties, optimization algorithms are unsurprisingly more efficient computationally than sampling algorithms. We instead examine a class of nonconvex objective functions that arise in mixture modeling and multistable systems. In this nonconvex setting, we find that the computational complexity of sampling algorithms scales linearly with the model dimension while that of optimization algorithms scales exponentially.

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