Multiview Label Sharing for Visual Representations and Classifications

Different views represent different aspects of images. It is more effective to combine them for visual classifications. This paper proposes a novel multiview label sharing method to combine the discriminative power of different views for classifications. Especially, we linearly transfer different views into a shared space for representations. The inter-view similarities are kept in the shared space for each view. We also ensure the intra-view similarities of the same class between different views are preserved in the shared space. We jointly learn the classifiers and transformation matrices by minimizing the summed classification loss along with the inter-view and intra-view similarity constraints. In this paper, the inter-view constraints refer to the similarities between images of the corresponding view, whereas the intra-view constraints refer to the similarities between different views of images with the same semantics. Experimental results and analysis on several public datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed multiview label sharing method for visual classifications.

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