Lenses on Reading: An Introduction to Theories and Models. Second Edition.

Introduction to Theories and Models. Early Roots: Early Theories and Models Applicable to Reading (400 B.C.-1899). Behaviorism: The Dominant Educational Theory for 50 Years (1900-1950s). Constructivism (1920s-Present). Theories of Literacy Development (1930s-Present). Social Learning Perspectives (1960s-Present). Information/Cognitive Processing Perspectives (1950s-1970s). Information/Cognitive Processing Perspectives, Continued (1980s). Information/Cognitive Processing Perspectives: State of the Art (1989-Present). Putting It All Together. Appendix A: Summary Chart: Onset of Presented Theoretical Perspectives Affecting Literacy Education. Appendix B: Summary of Theories Presented and Sample, Representative Instructional Practices.