Mining Big Data to Predicting Future

Due to technological advances, vast data sets (e.g. big data) are increasing now days. Big Data a new term; is used to identify the collected datasets. But due to their large size and complexity, we cannot manage with our current methodologies or data mining software tools to extract those datasets. Such datasets provide us with unparalleled opportunities for modelling and predicting of future with new challenges. So as an awareness of this and weaknesses as well as the possibilities of these large data sets, are necessary to forecast the future. Today’s we have an overwhelming growth of data in terms of volume, velocity and variety on web. Moreover this, from a security and privacy views, both area have an unpredictable growth. So Big Data challenge is becoming one of the most exciting opportunities for researchers in upcoming years. Hence this paper discuss about this topic in a broad overview like; its current status; controversy; and challenges to forecast the future. This paper defines at some of these problems, using illustrations with applications from various areas. Finally this paper discuss secure management and privacy of big data as one of essential issues. General Terms—Big data, data mining, Large datasets; Internet of things.