Improvement of Dielectric Strength of Tisix-Polycide-Gate System by Using Rapidly Nitrided Oxides

We discuss two approaches to improve the dielectric strength of TiSix-polycide-gate systems which have a 100-nm-thick poly-Si and a 9.9-nm-thick oxide. (1) A 25-nm-thick intermediate WSiy layer is effective, while keeping the sheet resistance lower than 2 Ω/□. (2) Rapid nitridation of oxides is very effective. A slight nitridation only for 60 s at 900-950°C makes the systems free from low-field breakdown and increases QBD successfully. On the other hand, too long nitridation reduces QBD. A thin oxide nitrided by lamp-heated rapid thermal annealing is very promising in future VLSI applications.