Multiple Criteria Analysis of the Airport Terminal Effectiveness by Multi-objective Optimization and Simulation
A rational approach to terminal airport management is not a trivial task due to relatively complex interactions between passengers and terminal infrastructure. Such infrastructure may be represented or modelled as a network of service nodes. To make a decision about such a network structure, one has to take into account not only the cost of terminal infrastructure, but also a set of quality indicators depicting passenger service level. Such decision problems may be formulated in the multiple criteria setting. We propose a bi-criteria decision making problem with a discrete-event simulation model of a terminal airport as a base model. The simulation model is used to evaluate a finite set of configurations representing a network of service nodes. To point out the most preferred Pareto optimal configuration, we propose to use an interactive decision making method to navigate Pareto optimal solutions with so-called vectors of concessions and reference points as preference carriers. Such versatile decision making scheme may be used to solve practical multiple criteria decision problems with values of criteria functions obtained by simulation runs.