Verification of an Atmospheric Mixed-Layer Model for a Coastal Region
Abstract An evaluation of the ability of an integrated (slab) marine atmospheric boundary-layer (MABL) model to predict changes in the inversion and mixed-layer temperature and humidity using data from the Los Angeles-San Diego Basin is described. The model microphysics and initialization methods are evaluated separately. The Stage and Businger stratocumulus entrainment closure formulation is used. Standard radiative flux approximations (e.g., delta-Eddington) are employed with up-to-date cloud microphysical parameterizations. The assumption of well-mixed properties is relaxed to permit a constant vertical gradient that is a function of the surface flux and the entrainment rate. Initialization of the subsidence rate receives considerable attention and is analyzed using data from suitably spaced multiple stations and from a single station. Two cases, a cloud covered and a clear sky period, are examined. In both cases the island and shoreline data are from regularly reporting locations and from a research s...