Prevalence of low back pain and its effect on health-related quality of life in 409 scholar adolescents from the Veneto region.

Low back pain (LBP) is a common condition with profound effects on well-being. We aimed to define the prevalence and the characteristics of LBP and to investigate its impact on the quality of life (QoL) of 409 students (265 females and 144 males), all high-school adolescents from the Veneto region. LBP was measured with a structured, self-report questionnaire, while the SF-36 questionnaire was used to measure physical and mental QoL. 253 students (61.3%) reported one or more episodes of LBP, with female predominance. Adolescents with LBP treated with drugs and rehabilitation cares have significantly poor belief in pain resolution (p=0.005), but more belief in a prevention program (p=0.006) than the others. After adjustment for sex, a significant association between the SF-36 dimension of vitality and the presence of LBP in males was observed. All SF-36 domains except mental health were significantly higher in females with LBP. Our study confirmed that LBP is frequent in Italian scholar adolescents and has an impact on QoL. Strategies for reducing the effects of LBP on QoL should be an important purpose for clinicians and health policy makers.

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