Replication of multimedia data using master-slave architecture

Multimedia computing requires real-time guaranteed I/O throughput. Today's storage solution doesn't scale to meet the high requirement demand of multimedia. Multimedia data demands a high rate of data transaction and the storage space fills quickly. One direct method is to use the master/slave architecture where a stream of data is broken into smaller pieces and stored temporarily onto different servers. The reliability of data retrieval and consistency in performance depends on the data flow and available bandwidth. Dedicating specific servers to handle a client request and duplicating the data in the background makes not only the system reliable and simple but also ensures that the storage system is evenly filled. By replicating in-coming multimedia stream onto several servers and re-arranging it back to the original order before storing it will solve multi-user access issues. This approach will maintain system reliability and yield a faster response by using more storage units in parallel. The authors present a replication scheme for handling multimedia data that will take advantage of master/slave architecture.