열차주행의 안전성 확보를 위한 실시간 철도교량 홍수위 및 세굴검지 시스템 개발

Realtime monitoring and countermeasure system are very critical factors in safe train services especially when the flood and/or erosion can cause unexpected damages to the railroad structures. For this purpose Korean Society for Railway has been performing series of project during last two years; 'Development of flood monitoring and management system for railroad bridge' and 'Development of erosion monitoring system and establishment of information transmission / connection system'. without any verification and reliability, these developments have no meanings and cause more unexpected critical damages. This paper introduces some operation examples related to 'the flood monitoring and management system' built in GaPyeong bridge and YangJi bridge. In addition, standard monitoring system for flood and/or erosion as well as effective transmission method of measured data are suggested.