Spatiotemporal Evolution of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, China, Earthquake from 7 Years of Insar Observations

The 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili earthquake, which occurred in the north Tibetan Plateau, ruptured ~400 km of the westernmost portion of the Kunlun fault and produced significant time-dependent postseismic deformation over a large area around the rupture zone and nearby regions. To analyze the postseismic deformation features along different sections of the coseismic surface rupture, we describe the total cumulative postseismic deformation near the center of the rupture and produce velocity maps for the whole observation period and six sub-periods, using InSAR observations (ENVISAT/ASAR, 2003–2010) on five descending tracks. The results indicate that the postseismic deformation is asymmetrically distributed across the fault over a very broad area of ~300 km × 500 km. The south side of the fault exhibits larger displacements and a wider area of deformation that is steadily decaying from near-field to far-field, while the north side displays a narrow, rapidly diminishing deformation field. The maximum cumulative displacement in 2003–2010 reaches up to ~45–60 mm and the LOS peak-to-trough average velocity offset in 2003–2010 reaches ~13–16 mm/yr at ~92.5◦E. The short-term postseismic velocity estimates in the six sub-periods reflect significant spatial variation and temporal differences on different sections. Motions to the south of the two ends of the rupture zone show more rapid velocity decay compared to near the main central rupture zone. The timeand distance-dependent timeseries of postseismic surface displacement reveal exponential decay in the near-field and a nearly linear trend in the far-field of the fault.


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