Derivation of Stability Limits Using Analytical Sensitivity of the Transient Energy Margin

In recent years considerable progress has been achieved in power system transient stability assessment using the transient energy function (TEF) method. Due to continued developments and enhancements, the TEF method has matured to a stage where reliable and accurate assessment of transient stability of a power system is now possible. An inherent advantage of the TEF method is the availability of a qualitative measure of the degree of stability (or instability) in terms of the transient energy margin (¿V). This is an important step toward reducing the number of transient stability runs needed to obtain transient stability loading limits or to make changes to improve the system transient behavior, when subjected to large disturbances. In this paper, a procedure is presented to obtain quantitative answers for these limits by developing an analytical approach to energy margin sensitivity. The approach consists of determining sensitivity coefficients and the development of the dynamic sensitivity equations. A first order expression for the sensitivity of the energy margin is used to determine transient stability limits for the following parameter changes: i. Generation changes ii. Load changes iii. Network changes. The proposed procedure is tested on a 17-generator equivalent of the network of the State of Iowa. The results obtained are then compared with the limits obtained by repetitive application of the TEF method.