One of the main challenges of National Humanization Policy (NHP) is the inseparability principle between attention and management. This principle is facing difficulties to be a part of the daily life of Brazilian healthy institutions. One of the strategies used to insert NHP is forming institutional supporters in the healthy institutes. These people are considered by the policy as a trigger driver of the individual and collective changing processes, through reflections on the work routine. The objective of this dissertation is to understand the performance of the supporters in a public maternity hospital in Alagoas during the course of implanting the Humanization Policy, moreover, this study analyzed how the promotion and development of NHP practices have been happening in the institution. So, it emphasizes the implementation of the guideline value of labor and worker, including, in this path, the difficulties and facilities found by the supporters combined with the management bodies and also in the fulfillment of intervention processes. The present study is based on the social health research field with qualitative approach. It has been analyzed institutional documents and conducted in-depth research with key actors in this process. The data analysis in methodological basis was Hermeneutics Dialectic. It was built an analytical matrix with two macro categories and six operative categories to organize and present the data collected. The analysis of data allowed to understand the main strategies used by supporters in daily lives of their work, which leads to NHP progress and point disconnections and critical nodes to be problematised. This dissertation intends to contribute with data to build strategies and consolidate the NHP in the institution and the state.
Key Words:
Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Cecílio,et al.
[Humanization of healthcare services and the right to healthcare].
Cadernos de saude publica.
G. N. Oliveira.
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