Design of a 2.5‐GHZ QVCO robust against high frequency substrate noise

4. CONCLUSIONS A new compact handheld antenna utilizing a microstrip fed monopole like arm capacitively coupled with a small patch is designed, prototyped, and measured for tri-band applications. The prototyped antenna shows wide bandwidths (10 dBreturn loss) of 170 MHz (0.885 to 1.055 GHz), 0.9 GHz (2.3-3.2 GHz), and 1.61 GHz (5.51-7.12 GHz) in the three operating bands respectively with stable radiation characteristics. ABSTRACT: This work presents the design procedure followed to obtain a low-power voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) robust against high-frequency substrate noise, using as a demonstrator a 2.5 GHz VCO with quadrature outputs (QVCO) based on a 5-GHz LC tank resonant VCO (LC-VCO) and frequency divider. A simple, intuitive, and easy to handle analytical model is proposed to identify the design parameters that contribute to the performance degradation of LC-VCOs due to the effect of high frequency substrate noise. The guidelines obtained have been applied in the design of the low-power QVCO. Finally, the work discusses several trade-offs that can be used to maximize the immunity of a LC-VCO against substrate noise. V C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 53:1632-1637, 2011; View this article online at DOI 10.1002/mop.26043

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