Personalized Information Seeking Powered by Mobile Ontology for Sightless Residents of under Developing States

 Abstract—Nowadays internet is considered as one of the prevalent sources of information. Due to the unimpeded augmentation of the internet, billions of bytes of data are becoming the part of the internet on a daily basis. You can hardly find a topic about which you cannot get information from internet. But at the same time, it's extremely difficult to find the accurate personalized information from a large pool of data. Several conventional information fetching tools are currently working on the World Wide Web (WWW) but they are not powerful enough to search out user centric information. On the other hand, the sightless residents of underdeveloped countries are deprived from getting the required information from the internet due to unavailability of internet and special technical aid which is required for them to get along with any computer system. In the past no serious measures were taken to facilitate the special citizens and the research work which we found were mostly for academic purpose. So, there has been a strong impetus in the area of information engineering to develop and improve techniques to extract precise information from huge volumes of extraneous data. Ontology is one of the emerging solutions which can intelligently express and fetch the domain knowledge. The proposed architecture introduces an intelligent mechanism for the extraction of highly precise information for the visually impaired people through voice SMS. The architectural simplicity also does the proposed solution prominent from the available solutions.