Equity2Vec: end-to-end deep learning framework for cross-sectional asset pricing

Pricing assets has attracted significant attention from the financial technology community. We observe that the existing solutions overlook the cross-sectional effects and not fully leveraged the heterogeneous data sets, leading to sub-optimal performance. To this end, we propose an end-to-end deep learning framework to price the assets. Our framework possesses two main properties: 1) We propose Eqity2Vec, a graph-based component that effectively captures both long-term and evolving cross-sectional interactions. 2) The framework simultaneously leverages all the available heterogeneous alpha sources including technical indicators, financial news signals, and cross-sectional signals. Experimental results on datasets from the real-world stock market show that our approach outperforms the existing state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, market trading simulations demonstrate that our framework monetizes the signals effectively.

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