Plasma Uniformity Numerical Modeling of Geometrical Structure for 450 mm Wafer Process System

Asymmetric model for plasma uniformity by Ar and was modeled by the antenna structure, the diameter of chamber, and the distance between source and substrate for the development of plasma equipment for 450 mm wafer. The aspect ratio of chamber was divided by diameter, distance from substrate, and pumping port area. And we found the condition with the optimized plasma uniformity by changing the antenna structure. The drift diffusion and quasi-neutrality for simplification were used, and the ion energy function was activated for the surface recombination and etching reaction. The uniformity of plasma density on substrate surface was improved by being far of the distance between substrate wall and chamber wall, and substrate and plasma source. And when the antenna of only 2 turns was used, the plasma uniformity can improve from 20~30% to 4.7%.