Total Quality Education: A Concept in Reality.

To facilitate an increase in student learning, the curriculum for the Principles of Management course at Collin County Community College was redesigned to reflect a business organization environment. This course differs from the traditional approach in the following ways: (1) the course is based on 47 competencies a team of corporate managers deemed critical to job success; (2) a 300-page study manual containing detailed lecture notes and class materials supplements the text; (3) students have access to over 500 files of research, articles, class notes and previous projects; (4) projects are created by student teams to demonstrate mastery of each competency; (5) when the course is completed, students have a documented portfolio of all skills mastered and the level of mastery; (6) exams are pass/fail and students must reach a score pre-determined by the class; (7) exams are taken in teams; (8) teams write a code of conduct outlining their expectations of team members; (9) teams rotate roles; (10) students develop a behavior-based peer evaluations; (11l twice during the semester, students are given questionnaires to determine if their needs are being met, and what they like and dislike about the class; and (12) any curriculum changes must be approved by all class members in a confidential vote. This exercise in group dynamics allow idea sharing and contains excellent transference of training techniques adaptable to the workplace. (RP) ***********i,***************************************************M-%"' Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that call be made * from the original document. ******;(*****************************************),:t******V************** Total Quality Education: A Concept in Reality U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Cat, e pr E auCItonat Reseach and tetovemteat EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORmATION CENTER [ERIC, fro the person or orgahtlatto, hts document has Dee,. reWoluced a5 , arlitnattng .1 Mtn°, changes nave been made to trapt0...P teptodttotoc (wanly Pcents 01 tee, or OPtet0h$ Stated tt, MIS POL. .Teat Po not necessatay represent otfa:a. OE RI 005,1100 or 00bCY Russell D. Kunz "F FALPRoDuct: Em;s MATE A. BEEN GRANTED BY R. Kunz