Automatische Generierung von kartesischen Rechengittern für komplexe Feuerraumgeometrien

Nowadays several user-friendly and efficient commercial CFD-codes already provide a practical and reliable solution to a wide range of reacting flow problems. Throughout the last years the time needed for numerical computations could be reduced significantly, while at the same time the effort required for the pre- and post-processing, especially the generation of suitable computational meshes, has increased due to larger and much more complex tasks. This ongoing development was addressed in a joint project of LEAT and DMT by the development of a tool for the automatic generation of hybrid computational meshes from a simple surface description to be used in a CFD-Code. This program, which is intensively used for the simulation of industrial applications, utilises an octree based mesh, composed from orthogonal hexahedral finite volumes and boundary conforming cut cells. It is parallelised by the domain decomposition approach, allows local and adaptive grid refinement.