Implementing Pavement Management Systems for Local Agencies: Implementation Guide

Systematic management of pavements has become increasingly important as pavements continue to age and deteriorate and funding levels have decreased due to reduced funding or increased competition for funds. The use of a pavement management system (PMS) is intended to provide roadway managers with a systematic process for generating answers to many of their pavement management questions. Pavement management can be simply defined as the process of maintaining the pavement infrastructure cost-effectively. Pavement management is, in essence, a process that includes a series of steps that will help the user analyze work plan alternatives. Combined with practical judgment and local knowledge, the pavement management recommendations can be used to help make final roadway investment decisions. This Guide was developed to provide an overview of pavement management practices for those individuals faced with the challenge of maintaining roadway networks. The purpose of the Guide is to serve as a tool to assist local agencies in using pavement management practices to the extent best suited for them.