Low-Cost Spirometer
INTRODUCTION: A spirometer is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs. A spirometer measures ventilation, the movement of air into and out of the lungs. The Spiro gram will identify two different types of abnormal ventilation patterns, obstructive and restrictive. There are various types of spirometers which use a number of different methods for measurement (pressure transducers, ultrasonic, water gauge).Through a set of medical tests it is used to identify and quantify defects and abnormalities of various lung conditions in human respiratory system .These tests also help in monitoring the response of lungs to medical treatment. With the help of a spirometer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can be detected well in advance (American Thoracic Society, 1995a). Monitoring cough and wheezing may not provide an accurate assessment of the severity of asthma in a patient. With the help of the breathing tests conducted using a spirometer, the response and improvement in an asthma patient’s condition during the treatment can be monitored accurately. This improves the quality of treatment by reducing the judgement errors.