Dial-A-Ride (DAR), according to the author, is a viable transportation system for the Washington, D.C. L'Enfant area. The relatively high DAR demand density of the area (average of 50 demands per square mile per hour) suggests that DAR may be more desirable than the present taxi system and should complement existing public transportation by providing feeder service to the fixed route facilities. Completion of the first phase of the METRO subway system will reinforce the DAR feeder system concept. The L'Enfant DAR system size can be estimated from the simulation results reported in this document. A rough estimate of the economic feasibility of the system is possible based on the number of vehicles and cost per trip. Conclusions are based primarily on cost considerations although the utility of a system should also consider aspects such as relief of traffic congestion and improvement of urban environment. This report attempted to identify some of the needs of the area disadvantaged which could be aided by DAR implementation. It was concluded from the high demand density of elderly and handicapped that DAR is necessary and might be initiated solely to support their needs. Even assuming a low modal split for the low income people, enough demand would be generated to make DAR suitable for mobilizing this group to suburban job opportunities. Therefore, indications encourage DAR implementation in the L'Enfant area for use as either a feeder system or as a service to the disadvantaged. /IMTA/