Three experimental gyro traveling wave tubes (TWT'S) have been built and tested. All tubes used a fundamental cyclotron resonance interaction with the circularly polarized TE/sup 0/sub 11/ dominant waveguide mode. The tubes differed in the length of the single circuit section and in the amount of distributed loss used. The experiments were conducted at 5 GHz, with the object of producing a design that could be scaled to 94 GHz. Results on the third experiment include measurements of stable gain as high as 24 dB small signal and 18 dB saturated. A saturated power output of 120 kW at a total beam efficiency of 26 percent was measured with a 3-dB saturated power output bandwidth of 6 percent. The design features of the tubes and the experimental results are described fully.
E. Ott,et al.
Theory of Microwave Emission by Velocity-Space Instabilities of an Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.
Victor L. Granatstein,et al.
The electron cyclotron maser as a high-power traveling wave amplifier of millimeter waves
A. T. Drobot,et al.
The Linear and Self-Consistent Nonlinear Theory of the Electron Cyclotron Maser Instability
J.M. Baird,et al.
Gain, saturation, and bandwidth measurements of the NRL gyrotron travelling wave amplifier
1979 International Electron Devices Meeting.