The Contributions of Administrative Behavior To Strategic Management

Scholars in administrative behavior have contributed to our understanding of strategic management through (1) the study of organizations in the context of their environment; (2) the study of managerial action in the context of an organization; and (3) the study and development of methods to improve the strategic alignment between an organization's capabilities and its environment. The view of organizations as open systems, prescriptive and descriptive studies of managerial activity, including decision-making processes, and studies of relationships between strategy, structure, and performance are among the contributions of administrative behavior scholars to the field of strategic management.

[1]  David B. Jemison Organizational versus environmental sources of influence in strategic decision making , 1981 .

[2]  R. Mazzolini Government controlled enterprises: International strategic and policy decisions , 1979 .

[3]  Joan C. Woodward Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice , 1966 .

[4]  Richard O. Mason,et al.  A Dialectical Approach to Strategic Planning , 1969 .

[5]  Daniel D. Roman Technological Forecasting In The Decision Process , 1970 .

[6]  E. Trist,et al.  The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments , 1965 .

[7]  J. Pfeffer,et al.  The External Control of Organizations. , 1978 .

[8]  James D. Thompson Organizations in Action , 1967 .

[9]  Richard F. Vancil,et al.  Strategic planning systems , 1977 .

[10]  E. Johnsen Richard M. Cyert & James G. March, A Behavioral Theory of The Firm, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1963, 332 s. , 1964 .

[11]  L. E. Fouraker,et al.  Organizational Structure and the Multinational Strategy , 1968 .

[12]  C. Darwin On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life , 2019 .

[13]  R. Duncan Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty. , 1972 .

[14]  Philip Selznick Leadership in administration , 1957 .

[15]  T. Schelling The Strategy of Conflict , 1963 .

[16]  C. Mills,et al.  The Theory of Social and Economic Organization , 1948 .

[17]  C. Perrow Organizational Analysis: A Sociological View , 1970 .

[18]  P. Blau Exchange and Power in Social Life , 1964 .

[19]  Peter H. Grinyer,et al.  Strategy, Structure, the Environment, and Financial Performance in 48 United Kingdom Companies , 1980 .

[20]  Tom R. Burns,et al.  The Management of Innovation. , 1963 .

[21]  C. Summer Strategic behavior in business and government , 1980 .

[22]  F Emery,et al.  The casual texture of organizational environments, human relations , 1965 .

[23]  Talcott Parsons,et al.  Structure and Process in Modern Societies , 1961 .

[24]  R. Kahn,et al.  The Social Psychology of Organizations , 1966 .

[25]  D. R. Dalton,et al.  Organization Structure and Performance: A Critical Review , 1980 .

[26]  R. T. Lenz Environment, Strategy, Organization Structure and Performance: Patterns in One Industry , 1980 .

[27]  Government Controlled Enterprises , 1981 .

[28]  J. Pennings,et al.  A Strategic Contingencies' Theory of Intraorganizational Power , 1971 .

[29]  John C. Aplin,et al.  An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Dialectical Inquiry Systems , 1978 .

[30]  P. Lawrence,et al.  Organization and Environment: Managing Differentiation and Integration , 1967 .

[31]  Jay R. Galbraith,et al.  Strategy implementation : the role of structure and process , 1978 .

[32]  R. Emerson Power-Dependence Relations , 1962, Power in Modern Societies.

[33]  Edwin A. Murray Strategic Choice as a Negotiated Outcome , 1978 .

[34]  L. J. Bourgeois,et al.  Strategy and Environment: A Conceptual Integration , 1980 .

[35]  D. Channon The strategy and structure of British enterprise , 1973 .

[36]  C. Barnard The Functions of the Executive , 1939 .

[37]  R. A. Cosier The effects of three potential aids for making strategic decisions on prediction accuracy , 1978 .

[38]  Stafford Beer,et al.  Cybernetics and Management. , 1960 .

[39]  Graham Allison,et al.  Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis , 1972 .

[40]  C. Lindblom THE SCIENCE OF MUDDLING THROUGH , 1959 .

[41]  Henry Mintzberg The Nature of Managerial Work , 1974, Operational Research Quarterly (1970-1977).

[42]  Shirley Terreberry The Evolution of Organizational Environments , 1968 .

[43]  Shaping the Master Strategy of Your Firm , 1967 .

[44]  Jay R. Galbraith Designing Complex Organizations , 1973 .

[45]  Henry Mintzberg,et al.  The Structure of "Unstructured" Decision Processes , 1976 .

[46]  D. Hambrick Environment, strategy, and power within top management teams. , 1981, Administrative science quarterly.

[47]  R. Kahn,et al.  The Social Psychology of Organizations , 1966 .

[48]  O. Holsti,et al.  Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis , 1972 .

[49]  W. Bennis,et al.  The Social Psychology of Organizations , 1966 .

[50]  Carl R. Anderson,et al.  Managerial Perceptions and Strategic Behavior , 1975 .

[51]  Chong-do Hah,et al.  1952 Steel Seizure Revisited - Systematic Study In Presidential Decision-Making , 1975 .

[52]  Russell L. Ackoff A concept of corporate planning , 1969 .

[53]  A. Pettigrew Information Control as a Power Resource , 1972 .

[54]  Howard E. Aldrich,et al.  Organizations and Environments , 1979 .

[55]  Ian C. MacMillan,et al.  Strategy formulation : political concepts , 1978 .

[56]  J. March,et al.  A Behavioral Theory of the Firm , 1964 .

[57]  L. Bertalanffy The theory of open systems in physics and biology. , 1950 .

[58]  Ian I. Mitroff,et al.  The Application of Behavioral and Philosophical Technologies to Strategic Planning: A Case Study of a Large Federal Agency , 1977 .

[59]  M. Crozier The Bureaucratic Phenomenon , 1964 .

[60]  N. Wiener The Human Use of Human Beings , 1950 .

[61]  R. Rumelt Strategy, structure, and economic performance , 1974 .

[62]  C. Darwin The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life , 2019 .

[63]  A. V. D. Ven,et al.  Group Techniques for Program Planning , 1975 .

[64]  W. Dill Environment as an Influence on Managerial Autonomy , 1958 .

[65]  K. Andrews The Concept of Corporate Strategy , 1971 .