The associations between information and communication technology (ICT) and peer and parent relations in early adolescence

The study aims were, first, to examine the associations between the type and intensity of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and peer and parent relationships. Second, the study explored gender- and age-specific ICT usage and their associations with peer and parent relationships. The participants were 478 Finnish 10- and 13-year-old girls and boys. They reported the frequencies of digital game playing, using a computer for information seeking, communication, and Internet surfing, and evaluated the qualities of peer relationships (popularity, loneliness, and friendship) and communication with mother and father (open and conflicting). As hypothesized, intensive usage of ICT for entertainment (digital playing and Internet surfing) was associated with poor relations with both peers and parents, while intensive usage of ICT for communication (email and chat rooms) was associated with good peer relations, and poor parent relations. The associations were, however, gender-specific. Among girls intensive digital game playing was associated with poor mother—daughter and among boys with poor father—son communication. ICT is discussed as provider of new tools for playing, exploring, and communicating in childhood and adolescence.

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