Three-dimensional arrangement of muscle bundles in the outer layers of rodentia vasa deferentia.

Three-dimensional arrangement of the smooth muscle bundles of the outer layer of the vas deferens musculature in mammals (guinea-pigs, rats and mice) was examined under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) after removal of fibrous connective tissue elements. Muscle fibers of all examined animals formed bundles. In the guinea-pig, similar sized bundles extended longitudinally along the tubular vas deferens and branched to anastomose with branches of neighboring bundles to create a net which was regular in form. In the rat, longitudinal muscle bundles constituted an outer layer in the form of a net, which was roughly enmeshed with variously-sized, transverse or oblique bundles in anastomosis with underlying longitudinal bundles. In the mouse, longitudinal bundles of irregular thickness branched into many small bundles and anastomosed not only with neighboring bundles to create an irregular net. In both the rat and the mouse there were bundles extending over many other bundles to anastomose with them at a far point. Junctional structures were well developed between neighboring fibers. Myofibrils were represented as thin streaks on muscle fiber surfaces. Varicosed nerve fibers existed between muscle fibers and in narrow cytoplasmic grooves in all the examined animal species. The findings are discussed in correlation with electrophysiological data.