The effectiveness of flat roof insulation is reduced by the presence of moisture. It will increase energy transfer by conduction and, under certain conditions, by an evaporation-condensation process, in which moisture moves from warm to colder regions of the insulation. This paper is primarily devoted to the effect where the moisture content is 1% by volume, or less, in summertime, although data for higher moisture contents are included for comparison purposes. It presents results for glass fiber insulation placed on the roof of an outdoor test building, where it underwent temperature changes produced by the prevailing weather conditions. The swings in outdoor temperature produced daily reversals in temperature difference across the insulation. Heat flows through the roof and the temperatures at the top and bottom surfaces of the insulation were measured with.heat flux transducers and thermocouples, respectively. The data were recorded digitally every 20 minutes and analyzed by computer. The measured values were compared to values estimated for dry insulation subjected to the same temperature conditions. The results indicate that a significant increase in energy exchange (gain and loss) through the roof occurred for moisture contents less than 1% by volume.
C. P. Hedlin,et al.
Heat Transfer in a Wet Porous Thermal Insulation in a Flat Roof
Cp Hedlin,et al.
Effect of moisture on thermal resistance of some insulations in a flat roof under field-type conditions
Mark Bomberg,et al.
Influence of Moisture and Moisture Gradients on Heat Transfer Through Porous Building Materials
Seasonal Variations in the Modes of Heat Transfer in a Moist Porous Thermal Insulation in a Flat Roof
Ec Shuman.
Field measurements of heat flow through a roof with saturated thermal insulation and covered with black and white granules
Catherine Langlais,et al.
Influence of Moisture on Heat Transfer Through Fibrous-Insulating Materials