Many organizations utilize Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Organizational deployment strategies to drive business success. LSS techniques are focused on creating bottom-line business results using data driven solutions. Industrial Engineering has always been a discipline that has trained engineers to seek solutions using 1) data collection techniques, 2) statistical data evaluations, and 3) economic impact evaluations. The Industrial Engineer’s (IEs) education in time study and work measurement, multivariate statistics and probability, and engineering economy has provided the groundwork for this knowledge. This transcript describes a framework for how Industrial Engineering can support the many traditional (Champion, sponsor, Master Black Belt, Black Belt, and Green Belt) and nontraditional roles (financial representative, statistician, change agent, and activity-based accountant) within Six Sigma Organizations as well as the linkages between these roles. This research provides the IE and the organization a guide to further utilize IEs as a resource that supports bottom line business results.
M. Patton.
Qualitative research & evaluation methods
Joseph A. Maxwell,et al.
Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach
M. Patton.
Qualitative evaluation and research methods, 2nd ed.
M. Patton,et al.
Qualitative evaluation and research methods
A Steckler,et al.
Toward Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: An Introduction
Health education quarterly.
Michael L. George,et al.
Lean Six Sigma : combining Six Sigma quality with lean speed