API J55 Steel Casing Pipe with an Initial Surface Crack under Internal Pressure - Determination of Fracture Parameters

Seam casing pipe used in an oil drilling rig, manufactured by high frequency (HF) contact welding of API J55 steel, is tested. The influence of an initial defect (machined surface crack) is analysed, by performing pressure test of a pipe segment closed at both ends. Besides the damages at the internal surface, casing pipes are exposed to damage at the external surface, which is why such configuration is analysed here. Measurement of strains and crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) enabled the application of direct method for J integral evaluation. This procedure is based on the path independence of the J integral and can be applied both in laboratory conditions (on specimens) and on structures. However, it requires a demanding experimental - computational procedure, which is accomplished here using the developed routine. Additionally, the behaviour of the pipe under internal pressure, including fracture mechanics parameters determination, is modelled numerically (by finite element method) in software package Abaqus. The pressure is applied as distributed load acting on the inner surface of the three-dimensional model, and axial tension is applied at the end of the pipe to simulate the closed end. J integral values determined numerically and using direct method are used for estimation of the critical pressure corresponding to the crack growth initiation. Additionally, plastic limit load, i.e. pressure which causes yielding of the ligament, is determined. Based on the results, criteria for pipe integrity assessment are discussed