Spectral and Timing Properties of the Galactic X-Ray Transient Swift J1658.2–4242 Using Astrosat Observations

We present the X-ray timing and spectral analysis of the new Galactic X-ray transient Swift J1658.2–4242 observed with the Large Area X-ray Proportional Counter and Soft X-ray Telescope instruments on board Astrosat. We detect prominent C-type quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of frequencies varying from ∼1.5 to ∼6.6 Hz along with distinct second harmonics and subharmonics. The QPO detected at ∼1.56 Hz drifts to a higher centroid frequency of ∼1.74 in the course of the observation, while the QPO detected at ∼6.6 Hz disappeared during hard flarings. The fractional rms at the QPO and the subharmonic frequencies increases with photon energy, while at the second harmonic frequencies the rms seems to be constant. In addition, we have observed soft time lag at QPO and subharmonic frequencies up to a timescale of ∼35 ms; however, at the second harmonic frequencies there is weak/zero time lag. We attempt spectral modeling of the broadband data in the 0.7–25 keV band using the doubly absorbed disk plus thermal Comptonization model. Based on the spectral and timing properties, we identified the source to be in the hard-intermediate state of black hole X-ray binaries. To quantitatively fit the energy- and frequency-dependent fractional rms and time lag, we use a single-zone fluctuation propagation model and discuss our results in the context of that model.

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