Vibrotactile threshold in young and old observers: the effects of spatial summation and the presence of a rigid surround.

Human psychophysical detection thresholds for ten frequencies of sinusoidal vibration ranging from 10 to 400 Hz were obtained on the left index fingertip and thenar eminence of young and older observers using a three-alternative forced-choice tracking procedure. The first experiment utilized a 7-mm (0.38 cm2) contactor and rigid surround with 1-mm gap. In the second experiment, three contactor sizes (1.6-, 7.0-, and 25.4-mm diameter) and two surround configurations (1-mm gap between contactor and surround, and no surround) were used. The results indicate that, although the shapes of the threshold versus frequency functions were similar in the two age groups, there was a reduction in sensitivity for the older group at all frequencies. Furthermore, taking into account the difference in sensitivity between the two age groups, spatial summation and the effects of a surround did not seem to differ between the two groups. These results are discussed in the context of physiological models of cutaneous sensitivity and changes in receptor function with age.