Range-Doppler Clustering Method

Consistently hit pixels to display different moving object, if relates to the Doppler clustering method, and more particularly, a different moving object signal on a radar that is adjacent or overlapping - the present invention is the distance for grouping adjacent pixels in the radar data, in order to separate, distance to the moving object signal which is detected by the radar also to navigate the best hit pixel having a high signal strength value (peak pixel) locally in heat-pixels appear to convert Doppler signal, the said search hit pixels by that one of the pixels adjacent to the center (peak pixel) by searching only the adjacent pixel having the smaller signal level than the heat-pixel assigned a cluster number as the heat-pixel to a cluster relative to a moving object, the radar distance to form - Doppler clustering It relates. Distance according to the present invention one embodiment of a Doppler clustering techniques, the distance from the radar system, - the distance to receive Doppler signals, the Doppler signal reception step; A peak pixel detecting step of detecting a hit pixel in the Doppler signal, the distance of the noise is removed;, - the distance the noise removing step of removing noise from the Doppler signal And grouping step for grouping the adjacent pixels with respect to the detected hit pixel; It may contain. At this time, the peak pixel selection step of the grouping step, any selected one of the peak pixels that are not group of the peak pixels detected by the peak pixel detecting step; Progress determination step of determining whether grouping groups the pixels adjacent to the pixels, all the detected peak; If it is not grouped with the neighboring pixels are all the detected peak pixels, determine adjacent pixels of determining whether a pixel adjacent to the selected peak pixel exists; When the pixels adjacent to the selected peak pixel is present, the adjacent pixel selection step of selecting any one of the adjacent pixels that are not grouped on the selected peak pixel of said adjacent pixels; Step a signal level value of the selected neighboring pixel comparing signal strength to determine signal level is less than the value of the selected peak pixel; If the signal level value of the selected neighboring pixel is less than the signal amplitude value of the selected peak pixels, the selected adjacent to the distance to said selected peak pixel from the pixel from the selected neighboring pixels peak pixels that are not selected for the the step of determining the adjacent pixel position determination is less than the distance; And adjacent pixels is less than the distance of the peak from pixels that are not selected for the above, wherein the selected peak pixel group the neighboring pixels the selection from the adjacent pixel position is the selection of up to the peak pixels the selection from the neighboring pixels the selection merging step; It may contain.