For the validation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes, experimental data on fluid flow parameters with high resolution in time and space are needed. Rossendorf Coolant Mixing Model (ROCOM) is a test facility for the investigation of coolant mixing in the primary circuit of pressurized water reactors. This facility reproduces the primary circuit of a German KONVOI-type reactor. All important details of the reactor pressure vessel are modelled at a linear scale of 1:5. The facility is characterized by flexible possibilities of operation in a wide variety of flow regimes and boundary conditions. The flow path of the coolant from the cold legs through the downcomer until the inlet into the core is equipped with high-resolution detectors, in particular, wire mesh sensors in the downcomer of the vessel with a mesh of 64 x 32 measurement positions and in the core inlet plane with one measurement position for the entry into each fuel assembly, to enable high-level CFD code validation. Two different types of experiments at the ROCOM test facility have been proposed for this purpose. The first proposal concerns the transport of a slug of hot, under-borated condensate, which has formed in the cold leg after a small break LOCA, towards the reactor core under natural circulation. The propagation of the emergency core cooling water in the test facility under natural circulation or even stagnant flow conditions should be investigated in the second type of experiment. The measured data can contribute significantly to the validation of CFD codes for complex mixing processes with high relevance for nuclear safety.
Frank-Peter Weiss,et al.
Experimental Investigation of Coolant Mixing in the RPV of a PWR During Natural Circulation Conditions
Sören Kliem,et al.
The European project FLOMIX-R: Description of the slug mixing and buoyancy related experiments at the different test facilities(Final report on WP 2)
Frank-Peter Weiss,et al.
Coolant Mixing in a Pressurized Water Reactor: Deboration Transients, Steam-Line Breaks, and Emergency Core Cooling Injection
Frank-Peter Weiss,et al.
Coolant mixing in a PWR - de-boration transients, steam line breaks and emergency core cooling injection - experiments and analyses
H. Prasser,et al.
A new electrode-mesh tomograph for gas–liquid flows
李幼升,et al.
Soeren Kliem,et al.
Fluid mixing and flow distribution in the reactor circuit, measurement data base
Frank-Peter Weiss,et al.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Boron Dilution Transients in Pressurized Water Reactors